Category: Pregnancy

What Are Safe Medications During Pregnancy?

Would you be surprised to know you should ask your obstetrician or your pharmacist whether to continue with a particular prescription drug once you know you are pregnant? First time mothers can be astonished this is the case. In fact, there are some over-the-counter medications pregnant women should avoid while pregnant. Let’s discover the safe medications during pregnancy.

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How Much Bleeding in Early Pregnancy Is Normal?

Up to 25% of pregnant women have some bleeding or spotting especially in the first trimester. Bleeding in early pregnancy doesn’t necessarily mean there is an issue, but it can indicate a miscarriage or some other complication. It certainly can be worrisome. How much bleeding in early pregnancy is normal?

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What Should Be Included in a Birth Plan?

Many women make plans for any major event in their lives. Vacations, weddings, and special birthdays are good examples. Having a baby certainly fits into these other major events in your life. If you are a woman who makes lists for even trivial events, having a birth plan makes perfect sense. What should be included in a birth plan?

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Hospital Bag Guide: Items to Pack for Your Hospital Stay and Delivery

If you are a chronic procrastinator, now is the time to change your habits. Having your hospital bag ready early is non-negotiable! If you are the type who is always early, completes tasks ahead of time, or is generally well organized—good for you—but you still need a hospital bag guide. Let’s go through items to pack for your hospital stay and delivery.

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Hypertensive Disorders Affect 1 in 7 Hospital Deliveries

You may be shocked to learn that between 2017 and 2019 one-third of those who died during a hospital delivery had a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, according to the CDC. This condition is increasing and causes severe complications like a heart attack or stroke. Let’s learn more.

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How To Alleviate First Trimester Nausea Symptoms

There is good news and bad news concerning morning sickness. If you are suffering with it right now, the good news is doctors believe it’s a sign that the placenta is growing normally. The bad news, according to the Cleveland Clinic, is that although 70% of pregnant women get it early in the first trimester, the cause is not totally known. Whatever is causing it, here are some tips for how to alleviate first trimester nausea symptoms.

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