Author: Capital Women's Care

When Should I See My Gynecologist About Pelvic Pain?

The simple answer to the question, “when should I see my gynecologist about pelvic pain?” is if the pelvic pain is new or different, see your gynecologist. Aside from typical cramps during your period, you shouldn’t be experiencing pain in your pelvic area. Any pain indicates something is awry in your body, so don’t ignore a pain in your reproductive area. Let’s find out why.

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What Questions Should I Ask My Obstetrician About Genetic Testing?

What questions should you ask your obstetrician about genetic testing? The best approach depends on what you really want to know. Every parent-to-be wants to have a healthy beautiful baby, but of course there is always a chance your child will have some abnormality or disorder. The good news is there are prenatal screening tests that will provide you with answers, IF you want to know. Here are some clarifying questions.

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How Can Heat Affect Your Pregnancy?

If you are pregnant, summertime is not your friend.

You already know how uncomfortable you feel even with the AC cranked up, and how quickly any kind of activity wears you out. You are familiar with the humidity and the hot temperatures, but be aware also that the heat of summer can result in many unhealthy effects for you and your baby.

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7 Conditions That Can Cause Sporadic Spotting Between Periods

Noticing a few spots of blood between periods can be worrisome, and although women may see spots in their underwear or on toilet tissue, there are usually benign reasons for these occurrences. Here are seven conditions that can cause sporadic spotting between periods in addition to when you should be concerned enough to seek medical advice.

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The novel coronavirus has people throughout the world concerned and on alert.   Several cases have been identified in the DC Metro area and the extent of spread is evolving rapidly.

At Capital Women’s Care, we have been monitoring the situation closely and are following the guidelines set out by the Centers for Disease Control in order to best serve and protect our community.

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